Constellation Cup - Game 2

A big game was needed by the Australians to ensure that the Constellation Cup wasn't lost in Auckland and it sure delivered a tussle we come to expect from the two netball greats. However it was certainly a game of two halves.

The ferns dominated from the get go and almost immediately the Aussies found themselves in chase position once again. The shooting combination of Erin Bell and Cath Cox really struggled to create space with the kiwi defenders doing some excellent work and as a result Bell didn't put up a shot for the entire quarter and was benched as a result.

Cath Cox playing in her 100th test really needed a goal attack to share the load and this just didn't happen. Some great defense all the way down the court marking the space forced the Aussies into a number of early turnovers which were complimented by patience on attack.

The injection of Natalie Medhurst at quarter time didnt do much to help things however she shot strongly as always.

Going into half time 12 goals up you would be forgiven for thinking it was basically done and dusted. However when Alexander rung the changes the Australians kicked into gear.

The inevitable changes of Bassett, Browne and Hallinan were just what the doctor ordered and the Australians went on to score the first couple of goals into the 2nd half and in international netball thats all it needs for the momentum and flow to swing back to the opposition.

The ferns did just enough to hold on but questions would have to be raised as to how they blew such a substantial lead. It is something that really needs to be worked on.

But for all that matters the Constellation Cup has come to New Zealand for the first time. One positive that can obviously come out of it is the ability to handle the pressure and the fact that when things finally click they can be unstoppable.

The trick now is finding consistency throughout their performance, especially when it comes to giving up a lead to the Aussies in the crunch quarter. 


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